Period: 1 March – 31 December 2024
To redeem privileges: Present your AIS Tourist SIM (by dialing *545#call) with passport at Redemption Counter from 13 participating branches.

1. Receive Free Mango Smoothie Drink Voucher
- Participating branches: Central World, Central Village, Central Phuket, Central Pattaya, Central Chiangmai, Central Samui, Central Ayutthaya, Central Si Racha, Central Chanthaburi, Central Udon, Central Chiangmai Airport, Central Chiangrai and Central Hatyai
- Limit 1 privilege / person / campaign
- Limit 2,000 privileges / campaign / all participating locations
- To Redeem Mango Smoothie Drink Voucher: Present Mango Smoothie Drink Voucher at Beverage Bar at participating Food Court locations below.
- Central World: Hug Thai (1 Floor) and foodwOrld (7 Floor), Central Village: Food Village (Metal Village Zone), Central Phuket: Taste of the Island (Foresta Wing, G Floor), Central Ayutthaya: Food Park (2 Floor), Central Pattaya: Beach Eats (G Floor), Central Si Racha: Food Park (G Floor), Central Chanthaburi: Food Patio (G Floor), Central Udon: Food Park (G Floor), Central Chiangmai: Food Park (G Floor), Central Chiangmai Airport: Food Park (4 Floor), Central Chiangrai: Food Park (2 Floor), Central Samui: Food Park (1 Floor) and Central Hatyai: Food Park (4 Floor)
2. 50 Baht Top-up Food Card Voucher
When purchase 200 Baht food card get 50 Baht top-up.
- Participating branches: Central World, Central Village, Central Phuket, Central Pattaya, Central Chiangmai, Central Samui, Central Ayutthaya, Central Si Racha, Central Chanthaburi, Central Udon, Central Chiangmai Airport, Central Chiangrai and Central Hatyai
- Limit 1 privilege / person / campaign
- Limit 2,000 privileges / person / campaign / all participating locations
- To Redeem 50 Baht Top-up Food Card Voucher: Present 50 Baht Top-up Food Card Voucher at Food Court’s Cashier Counter at participating Food Court locations below.
- Central World: Hug Thai (1 Floor) and foodwOrld (7 Floor), Central Village: Food Village (Metal Village Zone), Central Phuket: Taste of the Island (Foresta Wing, G Floor), Central Ayutthaya: Food Park (2 Floor), Central Pattaya: Beach Eats (G Floor), Central Si Racha: Food Park (G Floor), Central Chanthaburi: Food Patio (G Floor), Central Udon: Food Park (G Floor), Central Chiangmai: Food Park (G Floor), Central Chiangmai Airport: Food Park (4 Floor), Central Chiangrai: Food Park (2 Floor), Central Samui: Food Park (1 Floor) and Central Hatyai: Food Park (4 Floor)
3. Get Exclusive Lounge Voucher (2-person access)
When spending 3,000* Baht get free Exclusive Lounge Access for 2-person.
- Participating branches: Central World (Bangkok) and Central Village (Bangkok)
- Limit 2,000 privileges / person / campaign / all participating locations
- To Redeem Privilege: Present your AIS Tourist SIM (by dialing *545#call) with passport and receipt of 3,000 Baht at Redemption Counter to get Exclusive Lounge Voucher.
- To Redeem Exclusive Lounge Voucher: Present Exclusive Lounge Voucher at Lounge Reception Counter at participating lounge’s locations below.
- Exclusive Lounge at Central World: located at Hug Thai Zone, 1st Floor
- Exclusive Lounge at Central Village: located at Gate A, Zone E.
兑换方式:出示您的 AIS旅游卡和护照在13个参与分店的柜台兑换(拨打*545#拨打)操作兑换
1. 免费 芒果冰沙饮料
- 在任意参与活动的美食广场(Food Court)饮品吧台出示该券进行兑换。
- 尚泰世界购物中心:1层拥抱泰国( Hug Thai)、7层美食世界(foodwOrld);
- 尚泰维丽小镇:Metal Village区美食村(Food Village)
- 尚泰普吉岛购物中心:G层Foresta Wing海岛滋味(Taste of the Island)
- 尚泰大城购物中心:2层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰芭提雅购物中心:G层海滨小吃(Beach Eats)
- 尚泰是拉差购物中心:G层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰尖竹汶府购物中心:G层美食里(Food Patio)
- 尚泰乌隆府购物中心:G层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰清迈购物中心:G层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰清迈机场购物中心:4层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰清莱购物中心:2层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰苏梅岛购物中心:1层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰合艾购物中心:4层美食广场(Food Park)
- 仅限2,000个特权/活动/所有参与活动的门店
2. 50泰铢 在参与活动的美食广场购买满200泰铢美食卡
- 在任意14个参与活动的美食广场(Food Court)收银台处出示该券进行兑换。
- 尚泰世界购物中心:1层拥抱泰国( Hug Thai)、7层美食世界(foodwOrld)
- 尚泰维丽小镇:Metal Village区美食村(Food Village)
- 尚泰普吉岛购物中心:G层Foresta Wing海岛滋味(Taste of the Island)
- 尚泰大城购物中心:2层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰芭提雅购物中心:G层海滨小吃(Beach Eats)
- 尚泰是拉差购物中心:G层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰尖竹汶府购物中心:G层美食里(Food Patio)
- 尚泰乌隆府购物中心:G层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰清迈购物中心:G层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰清迈机场购物中心:4层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰清莱购物中心:2层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰苏梅岛购物中心:1层美食广场(Food Park)
- 尚泰合艾购物中心:4层美食广场(Food Park)
- 仅限2,000个特权/活动/所有参与活动的门店
3. 消费满3,000*铢即可获得独家休息室使用卷 (尚泰世界购物中心、尚泰维丽小镇)
- 该兑换券在以下参与活动的门店有效:尚泰世界购物中心、尚泰维丽小镇(曼谷)、尚泰普吉岛购物中心。
- 在进入贵宾休息室前,请在前台接待处出示该兑换券。
- 休息室仅限2人进入,最长可停留2小时。
- 仅限2,000个特权/活动/所有参与活动的门店