Durian is known as the king of fruit, and it is mostly harvested during summer. It has a sweet and creamy flavor, a strong aroma, and a soft & tender texture. It is easily everyone’s favorite.
Thai Durians
Thai durian is different from those of other countries because Thailand has been exporting durian to the world for a long time, making it widely known that Thai durian is the most delicious.
In addition, there are many different varieties of durian, which vary by region, such as Mon Thong, Kan Yao, Puang Manee, Kradum, Chani, and many more. Everyone can choose to eat according to their preference because each variety of durian has a unique texture and taste. You can enjoy the delicious taste according to your desire!
榴莲被誉为水果之王,多在夏季采收。 具有香甜的奶油味,浓郁的香气,质地软嫩。 它很容易成为每个人的最爱。
此外,榴莲有许多不同的品种,因地区而异,例如 Mon Thong、Kan Yao、Puang Manee、Kradum、Chani 等等。 每个人都可以根据自己的喜好选择食用,因为每种榴莲都有独特的质地和味道。 您可以根据自己的喜好享受美味!