Hello Tourist Welcome to Rainy season! Special for The1 Tourist Member only. Spend up to 1,000 THB and receive a free Naraya Card bag and spend up to 3,000 THB and receive a free Clutch bag when you buy within a mall (excluding Robinson Department Store, Tops Supermarket, and Northern Village area).
Please contact Information counter for more details on 1st floor
游客您好欢迎来到雨季! 仅限 The1 旅游会员特别优惠。 在商场内(Robinson百货商店、Tops 超市和 Northern Village 地区除外)消费满 1,000 泰铢,可免费获赠 Naraya 卡包;消费满 3,000 泰铢,可获赠免费手拿包。
更多信息麻煩联系 1 楼柜台。